Common Visa Applicants Mistake When Aspiring to Apply -
And How to Avoid it on Your Canada Relocation Plans

by Dotun Olagoke
Lekki | Jul 11, 2023
Do you really desire the success of your next visa application ?
What plans have you in stock for it success ?
Make yourself comfortable to learn from a visa applicant, who happens to be one of the 4'150 emails of aspiring Canadian permanent residency. Who went through my last trend on the pathway to achieve their Canadian dreams.

Aside the true life story email you're learning from today of who seek my further guidance. Are some of those who showed their appreciations and feedbacks on the information I gave them access to in the article. Some who went for the advance guide to recommended have as below to say about it.

All these I shared as a Freelance Travel Information & Guide Consultant not a travel agent. With the main goal of showing interested people how to achieve their Canadian relocation without falling a victim, rather getting the process done themselves effortlessly.
With That Established, Here is The True Life Story Lesson to Learn From in Today's Post;
In 2014 I paid an agent friend for my US visa application who insisted I appear as medical personnel. But I studied English language and literary studies.
Giving the point they hardly refuse medical personnel. When I was arguing with him, he turned it around against me. Saying should I know better than him, I should have gone ahead on my own. Why disturbing him ?
At that point, I have no option than to concede to him. So, I played along prepare to appear as medical personnel, dentist to be specific.
Then we left Lagos to Abuja US embassy for the visa interview section held with a white lady visa officer. Initially, she looks partially okay with my response to all the questions asked.
After a long pause, she asked some other question now related to the invitee who happens to be a fake(arranged), uncle by the travel agent.
Even though, the reason given in related to my fake uncle was no justifiable to me for my refusal. That since my fake uncle got to the US to study and later stayed back. I will likely do the same, in that case, she is not comfortable granting me the entry visa.
That was how I left Abuja for Lagos without the visa.
My concerns now are ;
* It over 6years, will they still have my records?
Yes, that is why embassies do biometrics that involves taking applicants' fingerprints. This they use to store and to pull out applicant information in the embassy at will.
Whatever information you submitted for visa application is what you use forever.
* Does it make sense, to write a letter confessing the truth?
Confession can only complicate the issue tagging the applicant as a desperate traveler, which most embassies try to avoid giving an entry visa. That could lead to an entry visa ban.
* Even thou, I don’t have plans to visit the country anytime soon. Still never can tell, a situation might warrant it. Scholarship, job offer, or a privilege on a platter of gold, what can I do?
3 Recommendation I Can Give Are ;
Those were my replies as an advice to him that I know many people have experienced that as leave them in a dilemma now on their visa application. Not knowing what next to do like these innocent followers I shared same lesson with

And this complications they found themselves is avoidable if they had taken their time to seek for information and better education of the process. Instead of handing over their destiny to a third party who feel less care about it, and more of what to make off it.
Ignorance is not an excuse at the embassy with the visa officer, even thou you have it all intact. They might want to a times be sure and reconfirm your intent to refuse you so you can reapply.
The confidence of being well informed will prompt you to reapply. Thereby standing on your words to prove the embassy wrong of their reasons for initial refusal. And if further documents are required you can confidently present to them.
Being well informed and educated about the process is the only thing that can give you that confidence on your traveling plans. Which I have decided to share with you if interested .
In My Conclusion And to Your Benefit
If you're willing to relocate to Canada without IELTS and, other obstacles faced by migrants. As well doesn't wish for such an experience and stories of these people I have shared with you above.
It will do you great to consider looking into a piece of helpful information and walk through guide to follow by yourself to achieve your Canadian dreams without anybody. Put together by a friend Mr. Seun Johnson and myself which I will be educating you more about in a close WhatsApp Group you can access HERE Canada Permanent Residency Group Training Class.
Mr. Seun Johnson being a friend and colleague in the Travel Education Consulting as well. Who has helped many people to achieve their Canadian dreams through his guide and information. Which I have currently pleaded to make available at a discounted rate of 50% for people who showed interest through me and are able to act on time.
Which I will be talking and educating interested people about in a private WhatsApp Group you can Access HERE Canada Permanent Residency Group Training Class.
Where You Will Discover How to Relocate Canada Successfully :
(1) Without you writing the IELTS exams
(2) How to over age as a factor to being a Canadian citizen
(3) Without paying agent a kobo to achieve it effortlessly yourself
(4) How to over come the CRS qualifying points
(5) Without any/insufficient working experience to being a legal migrant
(6) Using a unique pathway and lope whole created by Canadian government
(7) To province of choice if that is your desire.
(8) Dan's story on this pathway to Canada
(9) How to overcome the two major problems of most new immigrants
(10) How this pathway put you ahead of the popular pathway to Canada legitimately
(11) Benefit available for your partner and children if married.
(12) Solution to Canadian connection as an advantage to the success of your migration
All these and many more you stand to be educated and put through over in the training you re to learn from by
One more thing...
As early clearly stated, only the people who are able to join the WhatsApp Class are most likely to enjoy the advance guide at the Current 50% Discounted Rate.