
Canadian Permanent Residency:

The Secret Behind a Nigerian - Canadian

Man Succeess After Losing Over #5million,

Wasted 7years Depending on Agents. 

How do you relocate to Canada as permanent resident, if you don't have millions to pay agents ?

Do you go secure a loan where ever it possible ?

Do you put all your savings and assets available to their gambling game?

The short answer is ..NO ! You don't need to do all that .

Here's how I know and what to do ;

In 2010, a friend by the name Victor Jegede started the pursuit of same project to relocate to Canada with family as a permanent resident.

Just like every other person, many agents were introduced and recommended to him who deliver no result. That path led him loosing over #5million that can be accounted for and a large sum that are unaccountable for moving from one agent to another travelling expert and consultant so they call them.

Not only he lost that in the process but also wasted five(5) years pursuing a dream through the so call Canadian immigration agents and consultant telling him different stories and excuses.

Until when he had a rethink (am not an illiterate, he said to himself) and noticed his going bankrupt on his Canada relocation plans and dream he as for his family .

Then he choose to do his own personal research and findings on it. That took him another two years which ended in July, 2016 to be precise .

The out come of his research, findings and discoveries was what finally brought to reality his long awaited goal on the 27th of march, 2017 which mark the 6th month he started applying what he learnt and discovered himself.

Surprisingly, not only that this guide as helped him alone but other eleven(11) couples and eight(8) singles have  directly benefited, While distance friends, families and associates who showed interest and many more of others who got it indirectly through these people have already being helped who now lives in Canada .

And surprisingly, they experience same results within months, even thou it varies which was as a result of how serious each of them treated and handled the information as well how fast they are at doing all that is needed to be done.

But certainly everyone who as ever gotten access to this guide have gotten their results in months following the steps strictly and no failure as being recorded yet .

This he felt, that so many people are aspiring who as also gone through similar pains and agony he went through with the agents, consultants and immigration lawyers .

And some can't even attempt it as a result of their financial incapacity to make such trial but will welcome a guide if they see one .


So he put all these steps together in a video presentation that teaches interested people what and how to do the same as to achieve their desire result of migrating to Canada as soon as they want it .


You can see it HERE => Click HERE to See the Video Presentation .

Should you be married or still single this is the Canadian Permanent Residence perfect guide you need to see and know about to actualise your Canadian dreams.

Of course the author have used it successfully who now resides in Manitoba, Canada . That is why he made the online video presentation for everyone to access it .

Like I have said many direct and indirect distance friends, families and associates have used it successfully with proofs to show for it which he also shared inthe video.

This short but very detailed video which you can watch on the go now on your phone,ipad or computer before it is pulled down online evolve around three top secrets no agent will ever share with you.

Secret 1

How to use the two most reliable methods to relocate effortless....you will be able to pre-qualified yourself, to know which entry is best to go for with what you have and needed before you start your processing at 13.00 mins

Secret 2

How to quickly get your first job on arrival.....he got his within two weeks on arriving Canada.You learn how at 18.00 mins

Secret 3

Choosing where to settle on arrival to Canada....everyone love major cities like Ontario, discover if it right or not and why at 28.30 mins 

And along the line, under these three broad topics. Here are fraction of other things explained to details ;

 What makes your chances higher between now and the year 2020 at 10.10 mins

 What qualifies and disqualifies you as applicant, agents wont tell you at 17.20 mins.

 Factors to consider for your relocation at 15.30 mins

 Benefits you have to living in Canada at 5.00 mins

 How the rent assist program works for new immigrants at 8.20 mins

 Chances and how to become full citizen with Canadian Passport at 32.40 mins

 2 best and easiest provinces you can submit your application to at 22.15 mins

 Factors that qualifies provincial nominee packages at 29.00 mins

 Power of permanent resident permits chances over student visa at 14.00 mins

 Advantages, what is CSR and how to know your CSR points at 6.30 mins

 How you application looks like and reply when submit the presenter shared his own at 18.35 mins

 What qualifies and disqualifies you for the Federal express entry at 16.50 mins

 Employment requirement that can land you job within two weeks of arrival like Mr.Victor at 28.00 mins

 Factors to consider for your choice of stay at 29.00 mins

 Types of employment available and pay attached to it at 27.09 mins

 Child's care benefit that fetch him millions explained with his proofs at 5.47 min

 People's testimonies and advise for aspirants at 37.30 mins

And that's really just the tip of the iceberg....


This video is PACKED with valuable information which you can use to ;

 Pre-qualify yourself to know you are qualify or not .

 know the best entry to avoid waste time and resources .

 what you need and don't need to make your self processing smooth, perfect and error free.

The access is not for all, just for limited serious people for the next few hours . Click on the Grant Me Access to the Video Training below


Olagoke Dotun 









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